Enhance Your Emotional Wellness

Binaural Beats Music, binaural Beats app, and Neuron Waves App helps you relax, enhance your power naps, study and focus, reduce pain and insomnia, achieve peak mental activity, encourage rational thinking, and help with meditation. Includes Emotional Wellness tracking, Breathing Exercises, Doctor/Consumer Logins, and Clinical Trial features.

Track and Log your Emotional Wellness

Take just a couple of seconds to take inventory of your Emotional Wellness. Later in the App, you select if the Sounds in the App changed how you feel, see Text and Graph reports and Share them with your Loved Ones, if you like.

Choose a Sound for Your Specific Need; Binaural, White Noise, ASMR and more..

Choose a sound, there are many to choose from, depending on your goal, such as Better Sleep, Power Nap, Reduce Pain, Relax, Study & Learn , Rational Thinking, Meditation

Play Once, For-ever, mix with Ocean waves, or perfom Breathing Exercises

The App has many sounds to Entrain your brain, such as Binaural Beats, ASMR, White Noise, Lullaby by Rain, Womb Noise, OM Meditation with 425Hz, reduce stress hormones with 528Hz, love frequency 999Hz, Rain, Ocean & River Waves

App Tracks Your Emotional Wellness

As you use the App, App builds a picture of your Emotional Wellness. Use the App to track your Emotional Wellness, or to Entrain your brain, for Better Sleep, Power Nap, Reduce Pain, Relax, Study & Learn Rational Thinking, Meditation

Analysis and Graphs that you can Share

See analysis, reports, and graphs by the App of your Listening Experience and Emotional Health. Share it with Family and Friends or work with a Healthcare provider.

Schedule Sounds to Sleep or Wakeup

Easy and quick to set up Reminder Function enhances your listening experience by letting you set reminders for Sleep, Power Nap, Meditate, Study, Peak Mental Activity, Rational Thinking and more.

Use App for insomnia, power naps, reduced pain, peak mental activity, rational thinking, wakeful relaxation, unity, resource fullness, lucid dreams, OM Meditation, Pleasurable Innervation, Cosmos Meditation, and more.

The app includes Information Cards, optional Emotional Wellness Tracking, sleep and wakeup alarms, and user settable reminders.

“The best App for keeping track of one’s Emotional Wellness, sleeping better, focusing better, and meditating. Also has Womb and other sounds for newborns”

“There are over 50 sounds to choose from, can mix them with calming Ocean sound, if needed. Includes 423Hz, 528Hz, 999Hz, ASMR, River, Train, Rain sounds, and more.”

“Reports, Graphs, and Timeline help with keeping in-tune with one’s Emotional Wellness. The sounds and music are perfect to reduce pain, to focus, and for easier learning.”