HealthDiary-TPE(tm): Health Diary to keep track of Blood Pressure, Temperature, Suger Level, Blood Oxygen, Weight, Cough, Fever, Feeling and more

You know how to stay healthy, but it is hard to do without good data. This  health diary App helps you develop your health data easily and view it in text and graphs. Compare your emotional and physical health and stay healthy. This App also has Binaural Tones to keep you emotionally, thus physically strong, and reminds you to take particular medicines if you take them. This App also has a Med Reminder, a BMI calculator &  feelings tracker for optimum Emotional Wellbeing.

Includes Emotional Wellness tracking, Doctor/Consumer Logins, and Clinical Trial feature.

Simply add your BP, Temp, Sugar, Oxygen, Weight

Take just a couple of seconds to take inventory of your Physical and Emotional Health. Enter your Temperature, Blood Pressure, Suger Level, Blood Oxygen, Weight, and Feeling, and make any notes.

Enter if you have Cough, Fever, Headache, Sore Throat, Lack of Smell, etc.

With this screen, you can enter Fever, Cough, Headache, Low Energy, Difficulty Breathing, Sore Throat, Sneezing, Blurred Vision, Lack of Smell, Lack of Appetite, Stomach Issues

Enter "If you are feeling" or "Not feeling well" today

Enter if you are feeling well or not feeling well today, App will then ask you further questions to help you enter more information about your health today

See Your Health Diary Logs sorted by date

See the health data you entered sorted chronologically by the app, click on a log to see details.

See Trends and Graphs

The App shows you Temp, Blood Pressure, Suger Level, Oxygen Saturation, Weight, BMI and level of Emotional Wellness

Listen to Binaural Beats/Neuro Tones or set Med Reminder

App has over 50 Binaural Beats to Relax you or to get better sleep. Also has a Medicine reminder, if you take meds.

We Empower You to Take Control of Your Health with Free Apps, that run on all Devices

Our goal is to transform healthcare by providing free-for-ever mobile Apps for objective actionable data to help monitor, document, and evaluate health conditions that empower patients and healthcare providers to better manage their health.

Detailed Description of the HealthDiary app



“1with this App you can track your Blood Pressure, temperature, Suger Level, and more. Gives you detailed logs and graphs.”

“App comes with Binaural Beats to relax you or help you take a nap or enhance your concentration”

“You can log your fever, coughs, etc. set it to remind you to take meds.”